Our Future. Our Voice.

[ submit a video to share your story ]

The Arizona Corporation Commission will decide if and how Just and Equitable Energy Transition assistance will be provided to the Navajo, Hopi, and other Arizona rural coal-impacted communities. They need to hear from YOU.

This is where your video testimonial comes in!

Here’s How:

Create a 2-minute video of yourself, your family, or your community members to share your voice. Follow these steps to create your video and use the resources below for inspiration and ideas to include in your video. Once it’s finished, submit your video using the form on this page. Click here or on the button below to view the requirements and instructions for your video.

Video Steps:

1. Thank the Commission for the opportunity to provide comments.

2. Introduce yourself, including your name and where you live. Include details to let them know who you are ("I am a business owner..."; "I suffer / my child suffers from asthma…"; "I worked at ____ for ____ years...")

3. Explain your purpose. ("I am here to to urge the Commission to rule in favor of requiring utilities like TEP and APS to assist communities like mine that have been impacted by decisions to close down coal-fired power plants.")

 4. Pick some talking points and/or prompts from this list. Use these ideas for inspiration, speak from the heart and make it your own!

 5. Ask and Thank. ("For these reasons, I ask that the Corporation Commission Vote in support of APS’s Just Transition proposal AND use its authority to develop a framework for how utilities will address their Just and Equitable Transition responsibilities for future closures.")